S3-E: Asian Development Assistance in Senegambia

One of the most notorious aspects of the Asia-Africa relationship in the last decades is the active involvement of Eastern actors in the provision of foreign aid. The Asian emerging donors are re-shaping international development cooperation with enormous projects that challenge the traditional DAC approach to development cooperation.

Our contribution to the AFRASO project relates to a case study which reflects some of the complexities of the Asian involvement in Africa. The Senegambia area is an interesting place for analyzing the potential foreign aid competition among different emerging donors. Senegal and The Gambia are two countries that share numerous socio-economic and cultural characteristics, but have differences in terms of colonial history and current international ties with Asians actors, including different approaches in the diplomatic relations with China and Taiwan.  What are the determinants of the Asian aid in these two West African countries? What are the differences and similarities of the development assistance projects from Asian donors? What are the impacts of their aid projects? We expect to shed light on these relevant questions.   

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